Friday, July 31, 2009

Gaya hidup modern tidak lain adalah wujud dari nafsu dunia

"Gaya hidup modern tidak lain adalah wujud dari nafsu dunia" - by Aqnus Febriyant.

Berikut ini kutipan komentar dari Bro Mirwan Vauly.

"dunia terus bernafsu survive dengan cara berlebihan, gaya hidup modern harus ditopang penggerusan sumberdaya alam massive tanpa ampun. semua simbol gaya hidup modern ditandai dengan fisik/material. gaya hidup modern orang di USA dan eropa misalnya harus mengorbankan beberapa negara penghasil tambang emas, minyak, nickel di belahan dunia lainnya

Karena ferrari dan alpa romeo harus diisi minyak,
Karena cantik harus digelantungin emas,
Karena apartment harus dikokohkan besi nirkarat,
Karena kereta berjalan harus dipasok listrik,
Karena makan sdh harus pake sendok,
Karena modern itu adalah hari ini hehehehe

Kemarin (masa lalu) hobby belum membunuh, karena orang masih suka berjalan kaki, berkuda, berkereta pedati, orang masih makan pake tangan dengan wijikan.

Inilah cara dunia bertahan hidup, (dengan menghabisi yang lain...hehehe)"

In sociology, a lifestyle is the way a person lives. A lifestyle is a characteristic bundle of behaviors that makes sense to both others and oneself in a given time and place, including social relations, consumption, entertainment, and dress. The behaviors and practices within lifestyles are a mixture of habits, conventional ways of doing things, and reasoned actions. A lifestyle typically also reflects an individual's attitudes, values or worldview. Therefore, a lifestyle is a means of forging a sense of self and to create cultural symbols that resonate with personal identity. Not all aspects of a lifestyle are entirely voluntaristic. Surrounding social and technical systems can constrain the lifestyle choices available to the individual and the symbols she/he is able to project to others and the self.
(Sumber: wikipedia)

Modernism, in its broadest definition, is modern thought, character, or practice. More specifically, the term describes both a set of cultural tendencies and an array of associated cultural movements, originally arising from wide-scale and far-reaching changes to Western society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The term encompasses the activities and output of those who felt the "traditional" forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social organization and daily life were becoming outdated in the new economic, social and political conditions of an emerging fully industrialized world.
(Sumber: wikipedia)

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